From the Minister
Are you giving up Chocolate for Lent? Yes I know it’s a bit cliché, but it seems to be one of those things people do. Give up chocolate until they can binge on their Easter eggs on Easter Sunday.
But of course Lent isn’t really about giving up Chocolate, it is actually one of the oldest observations on the Christian calendar; its purpose has always been self-examination and penitence, demonstrated by self-denial, in preparation for Easter. It is thought that the 40 days reflects Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness (Luke 4:1-13)
Although in the past how the 40 days were calculated and when Lent began has varied, we now begin with "Ash Wednesday" and finish on Maunday Thursday. With Sundays being excluded! So technically, you’re not obligated to ‘fast’ on Sundays. However, the Sundays during Lent are still part of the Lenten season. Choosing to continue your Lenten sacrifice on Sunday is a personal choice.
So rather than just give something up why not go back to the root of lent, not as a 40 day fast, but rather to take seriously the time of self-examination and penitence. Commit to a new regime of study or prayer, or maybe take some time out to spend time alone with God. At church, rather than giving up Chocolate, we are doing ‘Chocolat’! Our Lent course this year is based on the film. You could join us on a Monday or Thursday. (We are also screening the full film on Saturday 8th March). And don’t forget we have our prayer space in church for quiet reflection too.
However you choose to journey through Lent, I hope you find it a rewarding and blessed time, in your preparation to celebrate Christs death and resurrection at Easter.
Rev Rick